What we have to offer
What we have to offer
Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are ​inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.
It uses the tradition Chinese methods of diagnosis and treatment. At the Natural Healing Centre we use all the acupuncture laws from ancient China and infuse them with Contemporary diagnosis to give a truly bespoke service. Within this Electrotherapy, Moxibustion and gentle Manipulation may be used.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing.
Based on their specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient.
Skype/Face Chat Consultations Now Available On Request. Contact Us For More Information
Child and Adolescent Counselling
Child and Adolescent Counselling
For ages 2-16.
Counselling is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a confidential and dependable environment. Often other therapies are used within counselling to help the individual.​
A counsellor is trained to listen with empathy (by putting themselves in your shoes). They can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings you have.
Blood Group Testing
Blood Group Testing
There are four main blood groups (types of blood) – A, B, AB and O. Your blood group is determined by the genes you inherit from your parents.
Each group can be either RhD positive or RhD negative, which means in total there are eight main blood groups.
Your blood group is identified by antibodies and antigens in the blood.
Dietary Advice
Dietary Advice
At the Natural Healing Centre, we give advice that is specific to your wants and needs. These can be based on your blood group, weight loss/gain, diabetes, Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or any other medical issues .
Skype/Face Chat Consultations Now Available On Request. Contact Us For More Information
Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being.
People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness.
Hopi Ear Candle
Hopi Ear Candle
Ear candling or thermo-auricular therapy refers to an ancient, non-invasive complementary therapy designed to help treat conditions associated with the ear, nose and throat.
It is a technique that involves placing a hollow, cone-shaped tube (or ‘candle’) into the ear canal in order to stimulate the ear and facilitate the removal of excess wax and impurities.
Ear candling can also be used to promote deep relaxation and is thought to have therapeutic benefits which can help to relieve stress and revitalise the body.
What our customers are saying
What our customers are saying
I went to Tuleena for treatment in April 2016 suffering from liver problems, after a blood test revealed that something was wrong. I was very dubious and doubtful that Tuleena could help me or do anything to improve my liver, as this was an internal problem inside my body which no one could see. Tuleena gave me acupuncture on a regular basis an helped guide me on my diet. I returned to the Doctor for a repeat blood test, I could not believe my eyes as Tuleena's treatment lowered my Serum ALT level; it went from 60iu/L in March 2016 to 22iu/L in August 2016.
Thank you Tuleena, words cannot express how grateful I am. I do not normally give feedback but I would recommend Treatment from Tuleena.
Service Prices
Service Prices
Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.
Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.
Per Session
1 hr session
Dietary Advice
Massage (If Applicable)
Per Session
30mins-1 hr session
Homeopathic Remedies
Dietary Advice
Child and Adolescent Counselling
Child and Adolescent Counselling
Per Session
1 hr session
Varried Therapies
Dietary Advice (If Applicable)
Acupuncture (+£10)
Hopi Ear Candle
Hopi Ear Candle
Per Candle
30min session
Blood Group Testing
Blood Group Testing
Per Test
Instant Results
Copy of Blood Group Results via E-Mail
Printed Copy Available for An Extra £2.50
Family Appointments
Family Appointments
Per Session
1 hr group session (Max 2x Adults and 2x Children)
Dietary Advice
© 2019 NaturalHealingCentre